Pour ce projet j’ai voulu revenir aux origines et aux mythes qui tissent l’histoire du diamant. Dans l’Antiquité, les diamants étaient consiédérés comme les larmes des dieux ou les éclats d’étoiles tombés sur terre. On lui attribuait des pouvoirs protecteurs contre les esprits du mal et les guerriers les emportaient comme porte bonheur sur les champs de batailles.

In the beginning there was nothing
Nothing but earth quakes
Darkness and falling stones coming from everywhere
like a constant chaos
Fire of joys crumbling and all the elements were upside down

When Ammon decided to stop all the elements
After one week under star dust you could see appear precious light stone gathering and moving all togetger, the first sight of life was appearing...

Mes sculptures apparaîssent comme nées d’une éruption volcanique.

Ce projet ambitieux a pour objectif de sublimer l’origine minéral du diamant: Mettre en valeur la palette des couleurs du diamant est un objectif essentiel de mon projet.

Ces sculptures peuvent être déclinés en pendentifs «amulettes» à porter.

For this project I wanted to go back to the origins and the myths that weave the history of diamonds. In antiquity, diamonds were considered as tears of the gods or the bursts of stars fallen on earth. They attribute protective powers against evil spirits and the warriors carried them away as good luck on the battlefields.

In the beginning there was nothing
Nothing but earth quakes
Darkness and falling stones coming from everywherelike a constant chaos
Fire of joys crumbling and all the elements were upside down

When Ammon decided to stop all the elements
After one week under star dust you could see precious light stone gathering and moving all togetger, the first sight of life was appearing...

My sculptures appear as the result of a volcanic eruption.

This ambitious project which has fo the diamond’s mineral origin. Highlighting the diamond’s colour palette is an essential objective of my project.